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Fragleague Sunday Show returns this weekend — ArgaSkånskaMän visits the studio

This Sunday, the much appreciated Fragleague Sunday Show returns, with top division matches, esports content and not only one, but two guests.
With Fragleague already at full pace with the open divisions, this weekend sees the beginning of the top divisions and along with that, the Sunday Shows. For nine consecutive weeks, you will be able to see highlighted matches in both CS:GO and PUBG together with esports content and new well-known guests each week.

For the first show, Fragleague starts with a bang and invites not one, but two guests to join in on the fun. Tim Lindqvist and Danny Pedersen, more known as the ArgaSkånskaMän, will put their anger aside and share their stories in the guest segment in the show. At around 18:00 CEST you can see what they have to say, and you'll be able to use #Fragleague for any questions you might have.

The Show in its fullest starts at 14:30, where PUBG will be featured first, followed by CS:GO later in the evening. You can follow the action through the Fragbite Twitch-channel found here.

Photo credit: sydsvenskan.se

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