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Triple Trouble wins the first qualifier of Fragleague Season 2: Rocket League

The first team to qualify for the final bracket of Fragleague Season 2: Rocket League is Triple Trouble, after losing only two maps in the entire bracket. Triple Trouble will be accompanied in the final bracket by Nordavind DNB, SweatyCarry and bra navn.
After a day of intense games, we now have the first four teams proceeding out of the Fragleague Season 2: Rocket League Qualifiers. It was Triple Trouble who went on to win the qualifer, after losing only two maps in the entire bracket. In the final game they came up against Nordavind DNB, in a match ending in a 3-1 victory for Triple Trouble. Nordavind DNB still qualifies for the final bracket, since the top four teams out of every qualifier advances. Together with Triple Trouble and Nordavind DNB, we will see SweatyCarry and bra navn in the final bracket, in a couple of months time.

The qualifiers of Fragleague Season 2: Rocket League will be played over an eight week period, with one qualifier per week. We will be seeing four teams advancing to the final bracket every week. The final bracket is played on the ninth week and there the 32 final teams will be batteling it out for a total prize pool of 50 000 SEK. Qualifier number two will be played on the 16th of April.

Triple Trouble
Danmark Aldin "Ronaky" Hodzic
Storbritannien Euan "Tadpole" Ingram
Norge Sebastian "Seeb." Ferrada Falch

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