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Fragleague is back with season 2 — registration now open

The second week of April will be the start of Fragleague Season 2 with a league structure for CS:GO, PUBG and Rocket League. Registration is now open on each respective platform.
Fragleague Season 2 is just around the corner and the registration is finally open for anyone to apply. Fragleague is an open esports league, focusing on the Swedish and Nordic scene, with divisions for everyone regardless of skill level. There is no limit to how many teams there will be in Fragleague, the divisions will grow with the player base. Each team plays at least one match per week for a 9 week period, ending with a relegation phase to climb through the system.

Bigger prize pool

We have, with the help of our amazing partners, boosted the prize pool for this season compared to season 1. From previously 250 000 SEK to 450 000 SEK means an increase of 80 % in total prize money. We've also secured prize products from Xtrfy for a total value of 200 000 SEK to the open divisions. Full prize money distribution can be found here.

New game title — Rocket League

As a natural step for the growth of Fragleague, we've added a third game title to the competition. Rocket League is a timeless favorite among gamers all over the world and with a very small competitive scene, we believe a structured tournament for players in the nordic region will be highly appreciated. We are still not closing any doors on what titles Fragleague will have in the future and we might very well see many more titles for season 3 later this fall. The registration for Rocket League will be live later this week.

Overhauled formats

To further develop the format for Fragleague we have decided to bring lower divisions together into a gigantic open division. This to ensure that there are as few default wins as possible, that everyone that shows up for a Fragleague night will have a match to play. CS:GO will be using a swiss format for this so that you always play an opponent of equal skill, and for PUBG, your lobbies will be automated ahead of each round. With this format, it will also be easier for teams to reach the higher divisions faster, if eligable for it, as you no longer have to climb all the way from the bottom.

Three live shows each week

Just like last season, there will be a Sunday Studio Show each week with top matches from CS:GO and PUBG, along with guests and other content around the league as well as esports in general. During Tuesdays and Thursdays there's broadcasts from the Rocket League Division. All broadcasts for this season will be in English, as our audience is growing outside of Sweden.

Full player guide

We have listened to feedback from previous tournaments and season 1 and is putting together a full player guide with a ruleset for you to be able to review before the start of the league. The player guide will be fully accessible once complete, on fragleague.com. All regular information, such as dates, can be found on each respective tournament site.

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