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Philips OneBlade continue supporting esports — head sponsor of Fragleague Season 2

Fragleague Season 2 is set to begin later this spring and Fragbite is proud to announce that Philips OneBlade will join the fun as one of the head sponsor.
The first season of Fragleague finished with a bang late last year. With duttdutt winning the CS:GO division quiet comfortable, Lemondogs had to fight until the very end to claim the PUBG title. Since then, we've had the chance to follow many of the Fragleague teams, along with hundreds of other teams, compete in Philips OneBlade Cup.

Fragleague Season 2 is just around the corner, where you will have a chance to challenge the reigning champions in their pursuit to defending the title. It is with that high time to announce that Philips OneBlade will be onboard supporting the league for another season. For a third consecutive year, OneBlade will be part of Fragbites ongoing tournament circuit with their large presence in the grass root scene.

"Just days ago we saw five exciting games in the final of the Philips OneBlade Cup. We continue being impressed by the passion and talent that we see among these stars in the making. It is now time for the second season of Fragleague where we'll see many of the top teams of Philips OneBlade Cup compete in the highest division of the PUBG League.
Will Elgiganten Gaming, who won the third Philips OneBlade Cup, be able to recreate their performance in Fragleague Season 2? Or will Tinderguld, Quickmath or ENCE have their revenge? We at Philips will continue our support and will follow the exciting Nordic esports scene closely. Esports is for everyone, maybe your team will make it to the top division already this Spring?"

— Erica Eliasson, Nordic Marketing Manager, Philips

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