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Grappler, Port-A-Fortress och Quad tas ur Fortnite — här är dagens uppdatering

En ny uppdatering har kommit till Epic Games populära spel Fortnite. Patchen innefattar bland annat en ny byggnad på "The Block"-området samt flera borttagna vapen.
Under tisdagen rullade Epic Games ut en ny uppdatering för Fortnite, en så kallad "Content Update". För Battle Royale innebär detta bland annat ett nytt stealth-verktyg under namnet "Sneaky Snowman". Snömannen fungerar precis som buskarna gjort i tidigare versioner av spelet, det vill säga att du "klär dig" i snömannen och vid stillastående position ser man inte motståndarna att det är en spelare som gömmer sig under den. Snömannen gör dock att spelaren varken kan bygga eller skjuta.

Utöver detta har "The Block" fått ett nytt utseende. Nu fyller en pyramid området, en massiv struktur skapad av Directingpete. Sniper Shootout tar rollen som patchens limited time mode (LTM) och flera justeringar har gjorts för diverse vapen. Grappler, Port-A-Fortress samt Quad Rocket Launcher har alla tagits ur spelet och placerats i "the vault". Epic Games har även fixat ett problem som gjorde att byggnader gjorde att spelare fick större FPS-drops, det vill säga att inga sådana problem ska ske efter uppdateringen.

Fullständiga notes


The Block - Omega Pyramid
The Block is now a Pyramid! Drop into this massive structure created by Directingpete to discover the secrets it holds inside.

Limited Time Mode: Sniper Shootout
In this limited time mode, players will do battle using scoped weapons only. May the best aim win!

What's New?
Suppressed Sniper Rifles have been added.
Legendary Scoped Pistols have been added to Supply Drops.

Mode Details
Floor Loot spawners reduced by 50%
Reviving "Down But Not Out" teammates in Duos & Squads is deactivated - be careful peeking!
Profile Stats (K/D & Wins) are tracked in this mode

Sneaky Snowman
Is that snowman closer than it was a second ago? Sneak around the map and surprise enemies in a frosty new way.
Use Primary Fire to throw a projectile that creates a destructible snowman.
Use Secondary Fire to wear the Sneaky Snowman.
Sneaky Snowman has 100 Health and acts as a shield when worn by a player.
Sneaky Snowman is destroyed when its Health reaches zero or when the player wearing the snowman swaps to a different item or building mode.
This means that a player wearing a Sneaky Snowman cannot build or use other items. Movement of all types is allowed.
Available in Common variant.
Can be found from Floor Loot, Chests, and Supply Llamas.
Drops in stacks of 5.
Max stack size of 10.

Shield Potion
Reduced drop chance from Floor Loot from 16.53% to 13.22%.
Reduced drop chance from Chests from 14.26% to 9.51%.

Small Shield Potion
Increased drop chance from Floor Loot from 13.22% to 16.53%.
Increased drop chance from Chests from 9.51% to 14.26%.

Vaulted the following items:
Quad Rocket Launcher

Reduced the drop chance of Gliders.
Reduced drop chance from Chests from 11.89% to 4.43%.
Reduced the drop chance of Balloons.​​​​​​​
Reduced drop chance from Chests from 7.58% to 3.24%.
Reduced the spawn chance of Quad Crashers from 100% to 50%.
Reduced the spawn chance of X-4 Stormwings from 80% to 50%.

Fixed an issue where building would cause a major drop in FPS.

Added additional dates for Explorer Pop-Up Cup.
Updated additional materials gained on elimination to now drop with the eliminated player, rather than being granted immediately.


This is an early release so you may experience client crashes, loss of progress, or other unexpected errors.

Sneaky Snowman
Use Primary Fire to throw a projectile that creates a destructible snowman.
Use Secondary Fire to wear the Sneaky Snowman.
Sneaky Snowman has 100 Health and acts as a shield when worn by a player.
Sneaky Snowman is destroyed when its Health reaches zero or when the player wearing the snowman swaps to a different item or building mode.
This means that a player wearing a Sneaky Snowman cannot build or use other items. Movement of all types is allowed.
Available in Common variant.
Can be found from Floor Loot, Chests, and Supply Llamas.
Drops in stacks of 5.
Max stack size of 10.

Added to Creative
Light Machine Gun
Suppressed Sub-Machine Gun
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle
Smoke Grenade
Remote Explosives


Weekly Frostnite Challenge 4: Cold Chaos
Focus your fire! Enemies gain modifiers when attacked, so work as a team and defeat the threat to unlock the banner and the Guardian's Will Sword.
Enemies gain modifiers when damaged. Focus your attacks for maximum efficiency.
Enemies receive a certain combination of mutators per wave: Quickened, Enraged, Exploding Deathburst, Frenzied Deathburst, and Smoke Screens.
Survive for 30 minutes (three times) to collect the Week 4 Challenge Banner.
Survive for 30 minutes to collect the Medieval Sword.
Available on January 23 at 7 PM ET.

Lynx Kassandra
Mythic variant of the Fleetfoot subclass.
Available on the Event Store from January 23 at 7 PM ET.
Note: Lynx Kassandra will be unique when the new Hero Loadout launches.

Guardian's Will Sword
Rewarded for completing the week 4 Frostnite Weekly Challenge.
A large sword with high damage and moderate impact.

Leap Attack
A Heavy attack that jumps to the targeted foe and damages nearby enemies.

Improved Low Health state audio mix so that gameplay sounds aren’t ducked as severely.
Updated Lefty/Right weapon equip/unequip sounds.
Updated Decoy deploy and physics sounds.

Artikelbild: Epic Games

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