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Fragbite Masters will be back


Here are the teams from the open qualifier

The first qualification stage has ended, and a total of eight teams have moved on to the closed qualifier of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 5.
Last week we saw three Norwegian based teams advance from the first out of two open qualifiers for the fifth edition of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem. At that point, the Scandinavian teams BX3.TP-Link, London Conspiracy, Lions and Publiclir.se were the first four to take spots in the closed qualifier. Now, the second open qualifier has ended, meaning the eight "open" teams are set.

In the second qualifier, the frenchmen in LDLC White, the Swedish team Torpedo.gg, hungarian Team Orbit and the european mixture in touch the crown managed to place top four. This means they all advance to the closed qualifier, where they will be matched with one invited team each in a best of three for a spot in the main tournament.

Through from open qualifiers

Norge BX3.TP-Link
aNdz, DaY, KORN, moen, Paint
Norge London Conspiracy
Polly, Skurk, Maak, mystic, slap
Norge Lions
ultra, spity, cyph, neto, base
Sverige Publiclir.se
AWWE, quix, DomiNate, Lekr0, dejvin
Frankrike LDLC White
bodyy, DEVIL, Fuk5, matHEND, to1nou
Sverige Torpedo.gg
tease, darti, atter, decent, Awien
Ungern Team Orbit
FLASH, DeadFox, t3h f4rm3r, NEy, ZEN
Europa touch the crown
dukiiii, Spiidi, aykeN, am0, faker
The next step for Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 5 is the final qualifier, which will be held 28-30th of September. There, the teams mentioned above will face off against eight invited qualifying teams. The format will be one single best of three match-up, where the winners of each match-up advance to the main bracket, where eight directly-invited teams will be waiting. The invites, both for the final qualifier and for the main tournament, will be presented soon.

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