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fnatic and TSM auction off gaming gear for charity

The players and organizations of fnatic and Team SoloMid have put some signed gaming gear up for auction, where the money goes straight to charity.
Today is the day of Fragbite Masters Champions Showdown; an epic five-map-clash with 100,000 SEK and a direct spot for the Fragbite Masters Season 5 LAN finals on the line. Both fnatic and Team SoloMid are on site at the Fragbite Studios in Stockholm, Sweden to compete against one another, and this also gave everyone an opportunity to do some good.

The players have decided to sign gaming gear and clothing to auction off. All the money raised through this will go straight to charity. The gear signed by fnatic will go to Barncancerfonden, a Swedish organization that fights against cancer amongst children. The money from the Team SoloMid-signed auctions will go to Min Stora Dag, which gives sick children the opportunity to experience their dream during hard times.

There are a total of ten items to buy from this auction, five from each team. From fnatic, there are three jerseys signed by their respective owners, one from Olof "olofm" Kajbjer and two from Robin "flusha" Rönnquist, as well as two mouse pads signed by the whole team. From TSM, the whole team has signed four mouse pads and one headset.

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