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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

fnatic sista laget att kvala in till Fragbite Masters-finalerna

Efter en intensiv kamp genom online-slutspelens lower bracket stod det till slut klart att fnatic blir det fjärde och sista laget att ta sig till säsongens LAN-finaler i Stockholm!
It has been decided! The four competing teams that will be playing at the finals of Fragbite Masters Season 4 Powered by ComHem are none other than Team SoloMid, fnatic, Na`Vi and HellRaisers after fnatic managed to secure their victory in the lower bracket finals against EnVyUs.
Frankrike EnVyUs vs. Sverige fnatic1-2

EnVyUs: NBK, SmithZz, Happy, shox, kioShiMa
fnatic: flusha, pronax, jw, schneider, KRIMZ

dust2: 14-16 (7-8)
Cache: 16-12 (12-3)
Inferno: 6-16 (4-11)
Unfortunately for most of you, friday's and saturday's broadcasts were not able to be viewed in an official broadcast by Fragbite which we apologize profusely for. The matches themselves had been rescheduled multiple times in order to accommodate for the participating teams which, to our sincerest regrets, clashed with other commitments our production team had to uphold.

We wish to stress that we do not blame any of the teams for this as we are more than aware of the current state of running online qualifiers in CS:GO.

Only four remain

This now sets the stage for what we hope will be an unforgettable final: Will HellRaisers be able to challenge Na`Vi and cement themselves as the top CIS team? Will TSM be thundering for their third straight LAN title, or will fnatic continue their soaring record with the aid of their stand-in Schneider? It all comes down to the next weekend, where we will crown the fourth ever Fragbite Masters champions!

Participating teams

Sverige fnaticflusha, JW, pronax, schneider, krimz
Danmark TSMdevice, xyp9x, karrigan, dupreeh, cajunb
CIS Na`ViEdward, GuardiaN, seized, flamie, Zeus
CIS HellRaisersDosia, AdreN, mou, ANGE1, kUcheR

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