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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

TSM & HellRaisers to the Fragbite Masters LAN finals

Three out of four teams have been decided for the Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 4 LAN finals, as Team SoloMid and HellRaisers qualify for the Stockholm event.
There is only one spot left to fill for the Season 4 LAN finals of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem. This was settled yesterday, as both Team SoloMid and HellRaisers secured a spot each to the Fragbite Studios in Stockholm, Sweden the 6th-7th of June.

TSM barely defeated the reigning champions

Team SoloMid started off the day by playing the Swedish title holders of fnatic, who had Andreas "schneider" Lindberg as a stand-in for Olof "olofm" Kajbjer, who recently underwent surgery on his right ear. In spite of this, the Swedes didn't show any sign of weakness as they picked up the opening map, Cache, with a 16-9 score after brilliant plays from Jesper "JW" Wecksell.

As Cache was TSM:s map of choice, things looked grim for the Danes when fnatic's Dust2 was coming up. However, Team SoloMid found strength that never showed on the previous map, mostly in René "cajunb" Borg, who together with his team evened the score out to 1-1 by winning the second map with 16-8. The deciding map was Train, where the half time score went 8-7 to the attacking Team SoloMid. The match was a close one right to the end, when TSM managed to win 16-14 even though they were forced down to minimum wage prior to the 30th round.
Danmark Team SoloMid vs. Sverige fnatic — 2-1
TSM: cajunb, device, dupreeh, karrigan, Xyp9x
fnatic: pronax, JW, flusha, krimz, schneider

Cache: 9-16 (5-10)
Dust2: 16-8 (12-3)
Train: 16-14 (8-7)

HellRaisers to the finals — nEophyte's impressive run ends

The second game of the night was the one between HellRaisers and Slovakian side nEophyte. The latter defeated Team Dignitas in the round before, continuing their impressive underdog performance in the tournament. And it looked like it would go all the way when the Slovakian team won the opening map, Mirage, with a convincing performance.

However, HellRaisers weren't at all ready to give up as they went on to dominate their map, Cache, to event out the score to 1-1. When it came to the deciding map, which once again landed on Train, it was The HellRaisers Show. As the defending team, the CIS based team locked down the bombsites all but one round. When they also went on to win the following pistol round, the win was inevitable. HellRaisers defeated nEophyte with 2-1 and secured a spot in the LAN finals.
CIS HellRaisers vs. Slovakien nEophyte — 2-1
HR: AdreN, ANGE1, Dosia, kucher, mou
nEophyte: oskar, queztone, styko, barb1, Zero

Mirage: 8-16 (7-8)
Cache: 16-8 (11-4)
Train: 16-1 (14-1)
In other words, three teams for the four team LAN tournament have been settled, as Natus Vincere, Team SoloMid and HellRaisers have all secured a spot each. Left to fight for the last spot are Team Acer, EnVyUs and fnatic. The two former will duke it out to see who will play the deciding match against fnatic.

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