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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

Virtus eliminated — fnatic and TSM fight for final's spot tonight

Virtus.pro have been eliminated from Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 4. Tonight we see fnatic, Team SoloMid, HellRaisers and Dignitas/nEophyte fight for two more spots to the LAN finals.
As of right now, Natus Vincere is the only team that has secured themselves a spot in the LAN finals of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem. This was settled earlier this week after the CIS based team beat HellRaisers in a 2-0 fashion. Tonight, we're going to find out who joins them.

Yesterday saw Virtus.pro, who finished third in the previous season, get eliminated following a 0-2 defeat against fnatic as well as a close 12-16 loss to the Danes of Team Dignitas. This means there will be no Polish representatives playing in the LAN finals of Fragbite Masters Season 4.

No Virtus.pro at the Season 4 finals.

Today's matches start at 17:00 CEST, where fnatic and Team SoloMid play for the second spot in the LAN finals, which is held in Stockholm, Sweden the 6th and 7th of June. The Swedish side will once again play with Andreas "schneider" Lindberg as a stand-in for Olof "olofm" Kajbjer, who recently underwent ear surgery.

This match will be followed by another match that will determine LAN finalists, as HellRaisers are waiting to play the victor of the loser bracket match between Team Dignitas and nEophyte. The mentioned match will be available to watch via a secondary stream, as the current score is 1-1 from yesterday's off stream session. Should Team Dignitas win the match, the battle against HellRaisers will start at 19:30 CEST, while a potential nEophyte-HellRaisers-encounter will start at 21:00 CEST.
Danmark Team SoloMid vs. Sverige fnatic
TSM: cajunb, device, dupreeh, karrigan, Xyp9x
fnatic: pronax, JW, flusha, krimz, schneider

Time: 17:00 CEST
Stream: FragbiteLive
Format: Best of three
Danmark Team Dignitas vs. Slovakien nEophyte — 1-1
Dignitas: Pimp, aizy, Nico, Kjaerbye, MSL
nEophyte: oskar, styko, queztone, barb1, Zero

Time: 17:00 CEST
Secondary stream: Slovakien DeeThane
Format: Best of three (score is 1-1)
CIS HellRaisers vs. Danmark Dignitas / Slovakien nEophyte
HR: AdreN, ANGE1, Dosia, kucher, mou

Time: 19:30 CEST (if Dignitas win) / 21:00 CEST (if nEophyte win)
Stream: FragbiteLive
Format: Best of three

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