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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

Tuesday marathon in Fragbite Masters

Parts of the four groups will be played in Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem tonight, as five matches are scheduled to move the tournament forward.
At this very moment, the Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 4 group stage is far from finished as only Group A and Group B have winners. Natus Vincere and LGB eSports are the only teams who have secured a spot in the upper bracket, while some matches are yet to be settled, four of which are all of the consolidation matches.

Tonight, the consolidation matches in Group A and B will be played, where the Danish rival meeting between Team SoloMid and Team Dignitas will start off the day. The second consolidation match will be between EnVyUs and nEophyte in Group B, but that will be played later in the evening.

Three other matches are scheduled for tonight. Titan and CPLAY duke it out in the Group C loser's match, where the losing team will be eliminated of the tournament. There will also be an all-Swedish battle between fnatic and Team Acer in the Group D winner's match. A top meeting between Virtus.pro and HellRaisers will round up the evening, this in the winner's match of Group C.

Two streams tonight

To be able to broadcast the majority of the games of this catch-up evening, we've got the support from Robin "Voltie" Takac together with Marius "Muzzy" Lysholm to cast three of the games mentioned. An additional two games will, of course, be broadcasted by Anders Blume and Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat from the Fragbite Studio in Stockholm, Sweden.

Tuesday May 19
18:00Danmark TSMvs. Danmark DignitasMain streamConsolidation Match Group A
19:00Frankrike Titanvs. Danmark CPLAYSec. streamLoser's Match Group C
21:00Sverige fnaticvs. Sverige AcerSec. streamWinner's Match Group D
21:00Frankrike EnVyUsvs. Slovakien nEophyte.FSPMain streamConsolidation Match Group B
22:00Polen Virtus.provs. CIS HellRaisersSec. streamWinner's Match Group D

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