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Fragbite Masters will be back


nerdRage takes out AlienTech — catch up day next in FBM

The finish team nerdRage takes out the portugese AlienTech 2-0 to move on to the Consolidation match of Fragbite Masters.
Following yesterday's broadcast, which saw the fins in nerdRage eliminate AlienTech from the fourth season of Fragbite Masters Powered by ComHem. Despite the portuguese players best attempts, both maps ended up going to nerdRage in commanding fashion, as they won both maps with a convincing scoreline.
Finland nerdRage vs. Portugal AlienTech — 2-0
nerdRage: villiG, jOELZ, Blasdfa, shed, hMp
AlienTech: mUttt, KillDreaM, rmn, portelito, AIm

dust2: 16-9 (10-5)
Cache: 16-7 (9-6)
Their continued fate in Fragbite Masters will be decided this wednesday as they have qualified for the consolidation match in group D, which will take place on wednesday. But before that, we will see the groups A-C being played beforehand.

Tuesday May 19
18:00Danmark TSMvs. Danmark DignitasConsolidation Match Group A
19:00Frankrike Titanvs. Danmark CPLAYLoser's Match Group C
21:00Sverige fnaticvs. Sverige AcerWinner's Match Group D
21:00Frankrike EnVyUsvs. Slovakien nEophyte.FSPConsolidation Match Group B
22:00Polen Virtus.provs. CIS HellRaisersWinner's Match Group D

Due to it being so many matches played at the same time, we will have a secondary stream to cover the matches aswell as having open GOTV for the matches without an english stream. More information will follow on monday.

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