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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

Team Acer qualifies for FBM — plays in Group D tonight

The Swedish Team Acer squad succeeds in qualifying through their last chance match against PANTHERS, meaning they will be facing the likes of fnatic, AlienTech and nerdRage in Group D tonight.
Like the saying "third time's the charm", Team Acer now holds a spot in the Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 4 main tournament after beating the Portuguese team PANTHERS in the last chance qualifying match. This puts them in Group D, where fnatic, AlienTech (previously known as k1ck) and nerdRage awaits.

Yesterday's match started off on Dust2, which was Team Acer's choice of playing field. The opening looked grim for the Swedes though, as PANTHERS started off by getting a hold of quite a lot of rounds as the defending team. However, after being down 1-6, Acer managed to come back to win the half with an 8-7 score line.

The short break while switching sides was followed by a great turn-around pistol round by the Swedish leader Björn "THREAT" Pers, which evidently helped Acer to increase their lead to 12-7. PANTHERS then clinched their fists and swung back, evening the score out to 13-13, but all for nothing as Acer managed to win the following three rounds to end the map 16-13.

The second game was played on PANTHERS' Cobblestone, the map on which they almost got a win against Team Dignitas in the second qualifier. After losing the pistol round, the Portuguese quintette won a force buy, but then lost the following round when the Swedes presented a force buy of their own. In this duel of low budget weaponry, PANTHERS' came out ahead in the end, getting a lead and economy going for them.

Although, once again Acer rose in the times of need, and surpassed their opponents to win the half 8-7 as defenders. Acer then went on to win yet another pistol round, and even though PANTHERS got a couple of rounds in as defenders, the Swedes went on to win the map 16-9.

fnatic and more in Group D tonight

The win mentioned above puts Team Acer in Group D, which is played tonight starting 18:00 CEST. The first match of the evening will be the Fragbite Masters titleholders in fnatic against the qualified team nerdRage. That match will be followed by Acer's match against AlienTech at 21:00 CEST.

Group D

Sverige fnaticpronax, JW, flusha, olofmeister, krimz
Portugal AlienTech mUttt, rmn, AIm, portelito, KillDreaM
Europa nerdRagejOELZ, villiG, Blasdfa, shed, hMp
Sverige Team AcerTHREAT, kHRYSTAL, Spitfire, wenton, slap

Wednesday the 13th of May

18:00 Sverige fnaticvs. Europa nerdRageDiscuss this match
21:00 Portugal AlienTechvs. Sverige Team AcerDiscuss this match

Thursday the 14th of May

18:00 Elimination game (Loser's match)
21:00 Group finale (Winner's match)

Wednesday the 20th of May

21:00 Consolidation match

Per usual, the matches will be be broadcasted from the Fragbite Studio in Stockholm, Sweden. Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat will continue to bring the vocal hype, tonight together with Fragbite's André "rich" Åkerblom. Don't miss the action, starting 18:00 CEST over on FragbiteLive!

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