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Presenting "Berzerk" — Fragbite Masters own skin collection

Today, Fragbite Masters are incredibly proud and excited to present our brand new skin collection, called Berzerk.
As we're approaching the main tournament of the fourth edition of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem, we're finally giving you the amazing news that we're releasing our very own skin collection! The artists behind the collection are Hanzo and Coyote, the duo behind RoomOnFire's Cartel Collection, amongst other.

"After a quite successful collaboration with RoomOnFire, Coyote and I were more than happy to be chosen by another pillar of this community. The Fragbite team picked-up a very inspiring theme to work on, the berzerker, and we tried to come up with something different, both classy and impactful. Thanks again for trusting us and I hope everyone will like those skins as much as we do", Hanzo says about working with the project.

Seeing as Fragbite is based in Sweden, a viking-like theme was inevitable for our own skins. Berzerk Collection is the name of this batch of skins, which are available on four weapons; PP-Bison, Sawed-Off, MAC-10 and SG 553. Would one or more of these skins qualify for a Weapon Case of some sort, all the earnings will go to making Fragbite Masters even more awesome. This being said, we guarantee you that the prize pool will increase, as well as the production quality.

The whole Berzerk Collection is available for browsing and voting over on SteamPowered. If you liked these skins, we obviously encourage you all to vote and favourite us in hopes of taking us all the way! Meanwhile, we hope you all enjoy the fourth edition of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem, which kicks off on tuesday. More information about the group stage can be found here.

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