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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

Second FBM qualifier reaches RO16

Day two of the second qualifier to Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem kicks off at 19:00 CEST, and 16 teams will fight to advance to the semi finals.
A total of 191 teams have participated in the second qualifier to Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 4, but only 16 remain and still have a chance to pinch the final spots for the 500,000 SEK tournament. These 16 teams will play tonight, as RO16 kicks off at 19:00 CEST, followed by the quarter finals.

aizy's dignitas, who are considered favourites, are still in the qualifier.

Amongst the remaining teams we find strong participants like Team Dignitas, GreyFace (former Team Orbit), Team Acer, PiTER, Games4u and GPlay. These teams are just a few of the strong ones, with Temp.no, PANTHERS, LDLC Blue and Publiclir.se still being in the tournament as well. Below this text, you'll find the RO16 match-ups, which can also be found through the day 2 & 3 bracket.

Round of 16

19:00 Norge Temp.novs. Estland OnlineBOTS
19:00 Sverige Ledsenvs. Sverige RESET
19:00 Sverige Acervs. Sverige Games4u
19:00 Europa nerdRagevs. Tjeckien Authority
19:00 Ryssland PiTERvs. Portugal PANTHERS
19:00 Sverige Publiclirvs. Frankrike LDLC Blue
19:00 Danmark dignitasvs. Sverige hatersg0nnahate
19:00 Sverige GreyFacevs. Bulgarien GPlay
Click here to see all line-ups for the qualifier

Round of 8

20:00 Quarter final #1
20:00 Quarter final #2
21:00 Quarter final #3
21:00 Quarter final #4
Bracket from day 1
Bracket for day 2 & 3

As we reach this stage, we light up the studio for a streaming session. Three matches will be casted tonight; one from RO16 and two from RO8. All matches of the day will be played best of one map, which will be decided individually via a veto process, while tomorrow's deciding semi finals will be played best of three. Tonight's casting duo consists of Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat and Fragbite's own André "rich" Åkerblom. The stream for tonight is, as always, FragbiteLive over on Twitch.

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