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Fragbite Masters will be back


The qualifier is live — 199 teams try their luck

The Counter-Strike: Global Offensive portion of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem is officially ongoing — here are some of the most interesting teams in the brackets!
We are in the air! Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem's fourth edition of its Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournament has officially kicked off with its first qualifier. Nearly 200 teams, 199 to be more precise, have been divided into a best of one single elimination bracket in hopes of reaching top two, which means a slot to the main tournament.

In the participant's list, we find some interesting teams such as Team Dignitas, Gamers2, Team Property, LDLC White, Team Orbit, INSHOCK and Team Acer. Below, you'll find a small selection of interesting names from the qualifier's participant's list.

Sverige PropertyDanmark CPLAYSverige Games4u
Finland RCTICSverige Team AcerDanmark dignitas
Finland MenaceSverige OrbitPolen Gamers2
Danmark ReasonNorge Temp.noStorbritannien Infused
Slovakien nEophyteStorbritannien FM.TOXiCPolen INSHOCK
Sverige hatersg0nnahateFrankrike LDLC WhiteSverige highgrade

As previously mentioned, the top two of this qualifier will be granted a spot in the main tournament, where some of the best teams in the world are waiting to play their group stage. The qualifier mentioned above will not be settled today, though, as the ending of the bracket will be settled tomorrow with best of three semi finals.

The full bracket for the first qualifier can be seen here.

Don't miss the livestream!

Both days of the qualifier will be broadcasted from the Fragbite Studio in Stockholm, Sweden. The casting duo will be Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat and Robin "Voltie" Tacak. If you have some time on your hands, you can get to know the latter a bit through our short video interview entitled Meet the Caster: Robin "Voltie" Takac.

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