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Fragbite Masters will be back

StarCraft 2

Bunny is your Fragbite Masters Season 4 champion!

It was a good day for Team Liquid, as they not only won the highly anticipated LotV team showmatch, but also as Patrick "Bunny" Brix claimed the title as Fragbite Masters champion!
In a shocking display of prowess, Patrick "Bunny" Brix absolutely destroyed his terran opponent in Dmitry "Happy" Kostin in the finals to the fourth season of Fragbite Masters Powered by Com Hem. After the intense previous day of matches, where Bunny and Happy fought through Kim "Soulkey" Min Chul and Sébastien "FireCake" Lebbe respectively, many expected the TvT finals to be an exciting affair. But Bunny had not received the memo, and managed to decimate Kostin under an hours time as he won 4-0, facing little to no resistance from the Russian terran.
DanmarkTerran Bunny vs. RysslandTerran Happy — 4-0

Vaani Research Station: 1-0
Overgrowth: 2-0
Secret Spring: 3-0
Catallena: 4-0


1.DanmarkTerran Bunny50 000 SEK
2.RysslandTerran Happy25 000 SEK
3-4.KoreaZerg Soulkey - FrankrikeZerg FireCake12 500 SEK

Bunny leaves Fragbite Masters Powered by Com Hem 50 000 SEK richer and solidifies his place in Fragbite Masters history as the fourth ever champion of the tournament. Aside from Brix's success, Team Liquid also left the LotV team league showmatch as victors with three wins to two over Team Property.
Sverige prOperty vs. Världen Liquid2-3

SverigeZerg Zanster vs. KoreaTerran TaeJa — Coda: 0-1
SverigeTerran MorroW vs. PolenProtoss MaNa — Cactus Valley: 1-1
SverigeProtoss NaNiwa vs. NorgeZerg Snute — Iron Fortress: 1-2
SverigeProtoss StarNaN vs. TysklandZerg TLO — Echo: 2-2
NederländernaZerg Ret vs. SverigeZerg Zanster — Orbital Shipyard: 2-3

And so we have reached the conclusion of this season of Fragbite Masters Powered by Com Hem. We have seen massive growth and interest for StarCraft II in comparison to last season, which feels truly amazing as we have always attempted to provide our own unique contribution to the title, which we have featured in all iterations of the tournament. We want to thank you for tuning in, and also want to thank our amazing sponsors Com Hem and McDonald's!

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