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Fragbite Masters will be back


Fragbite Masters StarCraft II finals this weekend!

This weekend, the four remaining players of the Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem StarCraft II tournament will duke it out for the championship title. Here's everything you need to know.
After a intense group stage and double elimination bracket in the StarCraft II portion of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 4, we saw Patrick "Bunny" Brix and Sébastien "FireCake" Lebbe qualify for the finals weekend from the upper bracket. Later on, Kim "Soulkey" Min Chul and Dmitry "Happy" Kostin took the last two spots by advancing from the lower bracket.

This weekend, the finals will be played out as the players above go head to head in a single elimination best-of-seven bracket for the 100,000 SEK prize pool. In the semi finals on Saturday, Bunny will face Soulkey with a 1-0 lead from start, as he qualified through the upper bracket. As soon as that match is settled, FireCake and Happy will face each other with the same conditions, meaning FireCake will be up 1-0 as the match begins.

The Grand Final will be played on Sunday, also a best-of-seven, but opposed to the semi finals, the match will kick off with a 0-0 result. The winner of that match will be granted 50,000 SEK, while the runner-up gets 25,000 SEK.

Prize distribution

1.50,000 SEK(approximately 5,700 USD)
2.25,000 SEK(approximately 2,850 USD)
3-4.12,500 SEK(approximately 1,400 USD)

On top of all this, we've previously announced the McDonald's Legacy of the Void Showmatches, where Team MMA and Team CatZ will play an Archon mode match before the semi finals on Saturday, while the Grand Final Sunday kicks off with a Legacy of the Void 1v1 best-of-five team showmatch between Team Liquid and Team Property.

Saturday, the 11th of April
Starting 18:00 CET
Showmatch:Korea Team MMAvs. Peru Team CatZBO3, LotV Archon mode 2v2
Main tournament:DanmarkTerran Bunnyvs. KoreaZerg SoulkeyBO7, Bunny starts with 1-0
Main tournament:FrankrikeZerg FireCakevs. RysslandTerran HappyBO7, FireCake starts with 1-0
Sunday, the 12th of April
Starting 18:00 CET
Showmatch:Världen Team Liquidvs. Sverige Team Property1v1 LotV team showmatch, BO5
Main tournament:Main tournament Grand Final!BO7

This whole weekend event will be streamed with our amazing casting duo Nathan "Nathanias" Fabrikant and Ben "DeMusliM" Baker. The place to be for StarCraft II fans this whole weekend is our FBMSC2 on Twitch.

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