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Fragbite Masters will be back


Money matches in tonight's Fragbite Masters

Happy, Bunny, FireCake and Soulkey all fight to secure top four placements and get "in the money" as the upper bracket semi finals will be played tonight.
After a five-day-break, Fragbite Masters is back with the excitement of StarCraft II. In tonight's brawl, four players will fight for the two upper bracket finals spots, which earns them a guaranteed top four placement and a share of the prize money.

Will Bunny make it to top four for the second season in a row?

First off tonight is a Terran versus Terran match, as the Russian star Dmitry "Happy" Kostin and Patrick "Bunny" Brix from Denmark fight in a best of five to reach the ending of the upper bracket. The winner will then face the victor of tonight's second match, which stands between the French upset Sébastien "FireCake" Lebbe and the South Korean Soulkey, both Zerg players.

RysslandTerran Happy vs. DanmarkTerran Bunny Bet on this match

Time: 18:00 CET
Stream: Stream
Format: Best of five
KoreaZerg Soulkey vs. FrankrikeZerg FireCake Bet on this match

Time: 19:30 CET
Stream: Stream
Format: Best of five

Obviously, with the reappearance of the tournament we're also seeing our fantastic commentator duo Nathan "Nathanias" Fabrikant and Benjamin "DeMusliM" Baker back in the studio to cast the matches above. They will be in their chairs at 18:00 CET, and we hope you will be too.

Also, we may add the fantastic news that we've put up all of the VOD's from this season on your YouTube channel. So if you're looking to watch some great StarCraft II, that's the place to go!

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