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Fragbite Masters will be back

StarCraft 2

Fragbite Masters returns in four days time

Yesterday, the first four players were eliminated from the Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem playoffs as only four games remain.
Yesterday we saw the first players get their runs in Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem ended, as Alexis "MarineLorD" Eusebio, Vesa "Welmu" Hovinen and Tobias "ShoWTimE" Sieber advanced through the first round of the lower bracket.

This means that only two series now separates them and a spot in the tournament's finals stage, and the chance to win the lion's share of the 12 000 USD prize.

The broadcast returns on the 23rd

With all of this said, the tournament will resume in four days time as the first games of the upper bracket are scheduled to commence on the 23rd of March. The games will feature two mirror match ups between Dmitry "Happy" Kostin and Patrick "Bunny" Brix, as well as Kim "Soulkey" Min Chul versus Sébastien "FireCake" Lebbe.

The lower bracket continues the following day, and will decide who takes their final shot at reaching the final stage of the tournament, and who will not be continuing their journey through the fourth season of Fragbite Masters Powered by Com Hem.

Playoff Day #3 — March 23rd - Upper Bracket

RysslandTerran Happy vs. DanmarkTerran Bunny Bet on this match

Time: 18:00 CET
Stream: Stream
Format: Best of five
KoreaZerg Soulkey vs. FrankrikeZerg FireCake Bet on this match

Time: 19:30 CET
Stream: Stream
Format: Best of five

Playoff Day #4 — March 24th - Lower Bracket

KoreaZerg viOlet vs. FinlandProtoss Welmu Bet on this match

Time: 18:00 CET
Stream: Stream
Format: Best of five
TysklandProtoss ShoWTimE vs. FrankrikeTerran MarineLorD Bet on this match

Time: 19:30 CET
Stream: Stream
Format: Best of five

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