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Fragbite Masters will be back

StarCraft 2

Tonight the lower bracket starts in Fragbite Masters

After two days of battle in the upper bracket, it's time for the players to fight for survival in the loser bracket.
Fragbite Masters Season 4 Powered by Com Hem keeps on trucking, and we will today be starting the broadcast of the loser's bracket, which will determine who stays in the running for the chance to become the next Fragbite Masters champion, and who's journey through the tournament which will end.

Unfortunately, we have to also inform our loyal viewers of the sad fact that Jung "Rain" Yoon Jong has decided to pull out of the tournament. Our administration did not know of Jong's intention to pull out of the tournament until after last night's broadcast, and has ultimately taken the decision to prohibit him for participating in any event we will host throughout the year. Kim "viOLet" Dong Hwan will therefore be awarded with a forfeit win against Rain in the lower bracket.

Rain leaving the tournament

Team/player: Jung "Rain Yoon Jong
Date: 18/3-2015

After losing to the french Zerg player Sébastien "FireCake" Lebbe, Jung "Rain Yoon Jong decided to drop out of Fragbite Masters Season 4 without providing a good enough reason to justify his decision to drop out of the tournament. Therefore we, the staff behind Fragbite Masters, have decided to ban Jung "Rain" Yoon Jong for any potential events we may host for the entirety of 2015. The decision was not made lightly but his actions are not acceptable given the players he eliminated in qualifying for the event, to only decide to drop out of the tournament for no good reason.

Ruling: Leaving the tournament without providing a valid reason.
Consequence: Jung "Rain" Yoon Jong will not be able to participate in any Fragbite Masters 2015 Season.

Joakim Jansson, Project manager for Fragbite Masters

Playoff Day #3 — March 18th

FinlandProtoss Welmu vs. FinlandZerg Serral Bet on this match

Time: 18:00 CET
Stream: Stream
Format: Best of five
TysklandProtoss ShoWTimE vs. KoreaZerg HyuN Bet on this match

Time: 10 minutes after first game
Stream: Stream
Format: Best of five
FrankrikeTerran MarineLord vs. NorgeZerg Snute Bet on this match

Time: 30 minutes after second game
Stream: Stream
Format: Best of five

Today's broadcast

With that business behind us, we are confident in that the rest of the tournament will continue to provide our viewers with quality games, and today we have a very exciting day of games ahead of us. For anyone curious about the tournament's bracket, it can be found here.

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