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Fragbite Masters will be back


First day of Group D cut short

Due to myXMG being at the Danish ESWC qualifier, they were forced to forfeit their opening group game against Virtus.pro. They will not be punished, though.
The first day of Group D in Fragbite Masters Season 3 powered by Com Hem was cut short with only 17 rounds played. The 17 rounds were in the match between Titan of France and Bad Monkey Gaming from Sweden and Spain. Titan held a strong CT play on Dust2, grabbing a whole 15-0 lead in half time. After Bad Monkey Gaming clinched the following pistol round, flawlessly, Titan finished the match by winning an eco-round.

The second game of the night was supposed to be between Virtus.pro and the qualified team myXMG. Though, as this group collide with the Danish ESWC qualifier, myXMG were forced to forfeit. They will still be able to play tomorrow's loser match against Bad Monkey Gaming, though. This means tomorrow will start a little bit earlier than usual, and consist of a three best of three games.

Tonight's results
19:15 Frankrike Titanvs. Europa Bad MonkeyD1 (BO1)16-1 (15-0)
20:45 Polen Virtus.provs. Danmark myXMGD2 (BO1)1-0 (Forfeit)
Tomorrow's schedule
14:00 Europa Bad Monkeyvs. Danmark myXMGD3 (BO3)Stream
17:00 Frankrike Titanvs. Polen Virtus.proD4 (BO3)Stream
20:00 Winner D3vs. Loser D4D5 (BO3)Stream

The reason myXMG aren't disqualified, but Planetkey Dynamics were

Some may wonder why myXMG got to forfeit the game and still play in the tournament, while there was a similar incident with Planetkey Dynamics in Group B. This is easiest explained by saying Planetkey Dynamics' disqualification wasn't based on them forfeiting, it was their lack of professionalism and planning. The myXMG organization contacted Fragbite Masters in good time to present their problem, and side by side, admins and team managers have fought to find a solution to the scheduling conflict.

— We consider myXMG's involvement in the situation very professional, and will therefore not punish them with anything more than the inevitable forfeit loss in the opening match. The issue was presented right after they qualified, and we tried to find a solution, but we couldn't. We're sorry that myXMG were forced to forfeit and that we had to cut this day short, but we are sure that the remaining games of Group D will still be awesome!, Fragbite Masters Project Manager Joakim Jansson says.

So for all you sleepyheads out there, make sure you set your alarms early enough to wake up and take part of the awesome games listed above. It's all going to be casted by Anders Blume and Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat and produced by our awesome crew from the studio in Stockholm!

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