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Fragbite Masters will be back


NO SIR! and Team Property qualify for Fragbite Masters

The first qualifier for Fragbite Masters Season 3 is settled, with danish NO SIR and Team Property from Sweden taking the two spots for the group stage.
After two days of qualifying, the danes of NO SIR! and the Swedish newly formed Team Property have secured themselves a spot each for the group stage of the third Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem season. This makes the participant's list close to filled, with only two slots left.

The qualifier had 256 teams participating, and after the first day both NO SIR! and Team Property were through to RO8. The Danes managed to start off the day with a convincing 16-3-win over Team Orbit, to move on and beat NEVERPLAY with 2-0. Meanwhile, Team Property eliminated NO SIR's fellow countrymen of myXMG with a 16-10 result to then win 2-0 against the Portuguese two-time Fragbite Masters participants in k1ck.

Qualified for Fragbite Masters Season 3


Danmark Danny "BERRY" Krüger
Danmark Michael "Friis" Jørgensen
Danmark Markus "Kjaerbye" Kjærbye
Danmark Nicolaj "mupzG" Djurhus
Danmark Hemen "xanzir" Nawros

Team Property

Sverige Marcus "Delpan" Larsson
Sverige Joel "emilio" Mako
Sverige Christian "Spitfire" Schiölde
Sverige Jimmy "Jumpy" Berndtsson
Sverige Marcus "zet" Sundström

  • Full qualifier bracket
  • The groups of Fragbite Masters S3
  • In case missed this first qualifier, or just failed to go through, there will be another chance this weekend when the second and final qualifier is held. More information on that, such as a sign-up link, will be published in the upcoming days. As soon as the second qualifier is finished, the qualified teams will be dealt a group through a random draw.

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