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Fragbite Masters will be back


The first FBM qualifier settles tonight

Here are the teams that made it through day 1 of the first Fragbite Masters Season 3 qualifier.
After an exciting evening filled with Counter-Strike of all levels, the first Fragbite Masters 256-team-wide qualifier has reached its quarter finals. Tonight, we settle the qualifier and reach a conclusion on who's taking the 13th and 14th spot to Fragbite Masters Season 3 powered by Com Hem.

The teams who have reached the RO16 are Team Orbit, Team Property and Vination from Sweden, NO SIR! and myXMG from Denmark, the germans in NEVERPLAY, k1ck from Portugal and KAZteam from Kazakhstan. As yesterday's matches went on a little late, two RO16-matches are being settled this afternoon in prior to the 19:00 CEST starting hour.

Below, you'll find the matches as well as a schedule for tonight's matches. First off in the list are the four quarter finals. Worth noticing is that we introduce a veto process to the matches at the quarter final stage, and the semi finals are being played best of three maps. To see the full qualifier bracket, visit Binarybeast.

Tonight's matches
(Hover over the teams to see lineup)
19:00Sverige Team Orbitvs. Danmark NO SIR!QF1 (Map: Veto)
19:00Tyskland NEVERPLAYvs. Sverige VinationQF2 (Map: Veto)
19:00Portugal k1ckvs. Kazakstan KAZteamQF3 (Map: Veto)
19:00Sverige Team Propertyvs. Danmark myXMGQF4 (Map: Veto)
20:00Winner of QF1vs. Winner of QF2Winner qualifies (BO3)
22:00Winner of QF3vs. Winner of QF4Winner qualifies (BO3)

Just like yesterday, we will be streaming the ending of this qualifier. As you can see above, the orange dot () marks the matches that will be streamed and casted by our fantastic commentator duo Anders Blume and Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat. It starts 19:00, don't miss it!

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