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Fragbite Masters will be back

StarCraft 2

HyuN still in UB — MC, VortiX & more tonight

HyuN advances in the upper bracket while Snute loses two straight and gets eliminated.
After winning his group, Snute was considered one of the stronger players of Fragbite Masters. His journey was not as long as expected, though, as he got eliminated yesterday after two straight losses.

First off, the Norwegian played against HyuN, who got the best of him with a 2-1 result. This bumped Snute down to the lower bracket, where Bunny from Denmark was waiting. The Dane surprised a bit, winning the match with a 2-0 result, eliminating his Norwegian neighbour.

The third match was played between the Finnish player Welmu and South Korean ForGG, who placed first and third in their respective groups. The South Korean proved that his third place was a wake-up-call, beating Welmu with 2-0 and therefore advancing.

MC, VortiX, Nerchio, Reality & Happy tonight

Tonight shows some great match-ups as well, opening up with an upper bracket-game between the South Korean protoss MC and Spanish zerg VortiX. The loser of that match will then drop down to the lower bracket to play a do-or-die-match against Nerchio from Poland. Lastly, Reality and Happy with face off in a lower bracket match as well.
18:15 — KoreaProtoss MC vs. SpanienZerg VortiXBet on this match

19:30 — Loser of 18:15 vs. PolenZerg Nerchio
21:15 — KoreaTerran Reality vs. RysslandTerran HappyBet on this match

  • Stream: Fragbite Masters
  • Of course, tonight's matches will be available through the Fragbite Masters stream, with Nathan "Nathanias" Fabrikant and Ben "DeMusliM" Baker providing you with play-by-play shoutcasting and general expertise.

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