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Fragbite Masters will be back

StarCraft 2

Welmu upsets Group B in Fragbite Masters

The Finnish protoss player Vesa "Welmu" Hovinen beats both Koreans in Group B to take the top seed for the playoffs.
If you were to ask yourself who was going to win Group B of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem yesterday, the answer would probably be either Ko "HyuN" Seok Hyun or Kang "San" Cho Won. It sooner appeared that neither of them got the first place as the Finnish NewRoSoft protoss player Vesa "Welmu" Hovinen beat them both to advance to the upper bracket with a top seed.

It all started with HyuN beating Patrick "Bunny" Brix from Denmark with a 2-1 result, which was followed by Hovinens first upset of the night where he beat San with the same result. In the winner's final, where the victor would snatch the group-win, he once again performed inspiring, taking home the win with yet another 2-1 result.

In the loser match, where San and Bunny were facing off to prevent themselves from ending up last in the group, the Dane stood for an upset of his own as he managed to defeat his Korean opponent. He wasn't able to do the same against HyuN, though, who picked up the second spot for the upper bracket.
Group B

1. FinlandProtoss Welmu — To upper bracket

2. KoreaZerg HyuN — To upper bracket

3. DanmarkTerran Bunny — To lower bracket

4. KoreaProtoss San — To lower bracket


DanmarkTerran Bunny vs. KoreaZerg HyuN — 1-2
FinlandProtoss Welmu vs. KoreaProtoss San — 2-1
KoreaZerg HyuN vs. FinlandProtoss Welmu — 1-2
DanmarkTerran Bunny vs. KoreaProtoss San — 2-1
KoreaZerg HyuN vs. DanmarkTerran Bunny — 2-1
This means Welmu and HyuN join Hwang "KangHo" Kang Ho and Juan "VortiX" Moreno Durán in the playoff's upper bracket, while Bunny and HyuN will have to start the playoffs in the lower bracket.

Upper bracket

KoreaZerg KangHo
SpanienZerg VortiX
FinlandProtoss Welmu
KoreaZerg HyuN
Group C #1

Group C #2

Group D #1

Group D #2
Lower Bracket

PolenZerg Nerchio
SverigeTerran MorroW
DanmarkTerran Bunny
KoreaProtoss San
Group C #3

Group C #4

Group D #3

Group D #4

The third group, Group C, of Fragbite Masters will be played out tonight with the same schedule as yesterday. In this group, we find Norwegian zerg player Jens "Snute" Aasgaard and German Dennis "HasuObs" Schneider as well as the Park "ForGG" Ji Soo and Kang "Solar" Min Soo from Korea.

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