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Fragbite Masters will be back

StarCraft 2

Bunny, HyuN, Welmu & San in tonights group

Tonight at 18:00 it's time for the second group in Fragbite Masters 2014 and Bunny, HyuN, Welmu and San will all fight for a slot in the winner bracket.
It is time for the second group in Fragbite Masters 2014 as the Terran player Bunny takes on the korean HyuN in the first round of the night. Welmu and San will square off in the second round of the night and the top two players will be advancing the the winner bracket. The two players who end up third and fourth will be going to the loser bracket.

The first round starts at 18:00 CEST and the schedule will be not be set and the matches will be played after eachother. Meaning we can only tell you when the first round starts.

18:00 CEST — DanmarkTerran Bunny vs. KoreaZerg HyuN — Bet on this match

FinlandProtoss Welmu vs. KoreaProtoss San — Bet on this match

— Winner's match
— Food break
— Loser's match
— Consolidation match

  • Stream: Fragbite Masters
  • All of the matches listed above will be played with a best of three format. As you can see, the group is played with the double elimination-format and will be available to follow through the stream, where Nathan "Nathanias" Fabrikant and his co-caster Auguste "Semmler" Massonat will provide you with the casting.

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