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Fragbite Masters will be back

StarCraft 2

First batch of players for FBM StarCraft II

Today we present to you the first half of the invited players for the upcoming StarCraft II tournament in Fragbite Masters 2014.
As the Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem StarCraft II tournament is about to start, we're taking this time to start presenting the participants. Out of the twelve invitees for the tournament, we can announce half of them today.

In this first half, we find five European players and one who originates from South Korea. Three of these players, HyuN from South Korea, the Durán-brother VortiX from Spain and Nerchio from Poland, are of the Zerg kind. We also present the Scandinavian Terran players Bunny, from Denmark, and MorroW, from Sweden. Last, but not least, is the Finnish Protoss-player Welmu.

FBM SC2 Participants

SpanienZerg VortiX
PolenZerg Nerchio
FinlandProtoss Welmu
StarCraft 2 TBA (Invite)

StarCraft 2 TBA (Invite)

StarCraft 2 TBA (Invite)

StarCraft 2 TBD (Qual.)

StarCraft 2 TBD (Qual.)
DanmarkTerran Bunny
SverigeTerran MorroW
KoreaZerg HyuN
StarCraft 2 TBA (Invite)

StarCraft 2 TBA (Invite)

StarCraft 2 TBA (Invite)

StarCraft 2 TBD (Qual.)

StarCraft 2 TBD (Qual.)

As written in the lists above, there are still invited players to be announced. These will be known to the public during the week, as well as the last spots that are granted to the top two from each qualifier. There will be a total of two qualifiers, one tomorrow (Thursday) and one on Saturday. If you wish to participate, as you are very welcome to do, please find yourself some more information in our qualifier information post.

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