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Fragbite Masters will be back

DotA 2

Fragbite Masters qualifier held on Tuesday

This Tuesday, the qualifier for Fragbite Masters' Dota 2 tournament begins. Here's all the information you need to participate.
As many of you might have noticed, the Dota 2 tournament of Fragbite Masters has started with its group stage. As previously presented, a large qualifier will be held during this period, where the top two teams qualify for the consolidation stage.

What is the consolidation stage?

In between the group stage and the playoffs, a consolidation stage will be played. Here, the bottom two teams of the three groups and two qualified teams play for the last two spots in the playoffs. The image below should explain this well enough.

Information about the qualifier

The qualifier, which is just one big single elimination bracket qualifier, will be held on Tuesday the 8th of March with a starting time of 19:00 CEST. If the amount of participant is high enough, the qualifier will continue on Wednesday. Like previously stated, the two finalists in this qualifier advance to the consolidation stage.

FBM Dota 2 Qualifier

Date: 8th of April (Tuesday)
Check-in: 18:00-18:45
Start: 19:00 CEST
Where: #Fragbite.Dota2 @ Quakenet.org
Slots: Unlimited
Admins: zetex & wintastic
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