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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

FBM continues — it's time for Super Thursday!

Three incredible matches will be played in tonight's Fragbite Masters playoff. We have a best of three game between Virtus.pro and Titan, a Swedish one-map-battle between LGB eSports and Fnatic as well as HellRaisers against Clan-Mystik.
If you have enjoyed this season of Fragbite Masters so far, you're going to want to tune in tonight. On paper, we have the so far best night of the season ahead of us as all three of tonight's clashes are both extremely high skilled and impossible to predict.

The first match of the night will be a battle between the Swedish rivals LGB eSports and Fnatic, who during EMS One Katowice played one of the closest games of the tournament. This match will be played in best of one map as it's a part of the lower bracket. A game between HellRaisers, who eliminated NiP Gaming in their previous match, and the French team Clan-Mystik, will follow in the lower bracket.

Later in the evening, after the two previous games and a short food break, tonight's only best of three will be played. This is the real deal as the EMS One Katowice Champions, Virtus.pro, will face off against the French-Belgian power team Titan. The teams haven't played against each other since the group stage in Poland, where Virtus.pro got the best of the tournament favourites, and eventually caused Titan to unexpectedly crash out in the group. This match is expected to be one of the best games of the season.

Sverige LGB eSports vs. Sverige fnaticBet on this match

LGB: dennis, olofm, krimz, cype, twist
fnatic: pronax, jw, schneider, Devilwalk, JW

Time: 18:00 CET

Stream: Fragbite Masters

This is a lower bracket match, played best of one map.
Ukraina HellRaisers vs. Frankrike Clan-MystikBet on this match

HR: AdreN, ANGE1, Dosia, markeloff, kucher
CM: HaRts, kennyS, kioShiMa, GMX, Sf

Time: 19:30 CET

Stream: Fragbite Masters

This is a lower bracket match, played best of one map.
Frankrike Titan vs. Polen Virtus.proBet on this match

Titan: Ex6TenZ, ScreaM, shox, SmithZz, NBK
Virtus: TaZ, neo, pasha, byali, Snax

Time: 21:15 CET

Stream: Fragbite Masters

This is a winner bracket match, played best of three maps.
Like always, Anders Blume and Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat will bring you the shoutcasting for this match through our stream. Make sure you tune in right before the first match starts, approximately 17:45 to get hyped up before the games!

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