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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

Here are the brackets for FBM!

Today, we announce the structure of the double elimination bracket for Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem 2014!
After a short break during EMS One Katowice, Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem are finally back! We had an extremely exciting and unpredictable group stage, and now, the double elimination playoffs will follow! The playoffs will begin on thursday, the 20th of march, and will be played out before the end of the month.

As previously mentioned, the top two teams of every group advanced to the winner's bracket whilst the group's bottom teams start the playoffs in the lower bracket. Prior to the group stage, we settled who would play who in the playoffs, meaning we couldn't predict exactly what match-ups would be presented, but only know what groups would face each other. In the picture below you can see what the playoffs look like, who's playing who and when these matches are scheduled.

As you can see above, the winner bracket kicks off with an amazing match-up between NiP Gaming and Titan on thursday. Before that match, though, two BO1 lower bracket-matches, Na`Vi vs. Team Property and Fnatic vs. H2k, will be played. The rest of the playoffs will be played out with the same kind of scheduling, meaning every day will present two lower bracket-matches and one winner bracket-match.

As none of these matches collide schedule wise, they will all available to enjoy through our stream. Our fantastic commentary duo Anders Blume and Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat will, as always, be the voices behind the games. So tune in this thursday, because the tournament just stepped up a notch!

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