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Fragbite Masters will be back


75 000 SEK Com Hem Play of the Day competition!

The Fragbite Masters title sponsor, Com Hem, will hand out a total number of 75 000 SEK to the best plays of this season's Fragbite Masters.
A lot of you guys who have watched the past two day's streaming of Fragbite Masters by Com Hem might have noticed that we have a fine instant replay technique. This has also been used to present Com Hem's Play of the Day in the end of every night. Now we can finally say that there's a lot more to it.

Fantastic play, here's 25 000 SEK!

The fact is that all these sequences, the ones that have been presented as Com Hem's Play of the Day, are automatically part of a competition. After all of our twelve tournament days, a winner for the best play of the tournament will be decided — and win 25 000 SEK (approximately 2 800 euro). This competition separated into three parts, one for each tournament (CS:GO, Dota 2 and StarCraft II), making it a total prize purse of 75 000 SEK (approximately 8 500 euro).

Vote on your favourite sequence

As this project is based on our instant replay technique, and since it's very possible that our observers might miss showing a sweet play, the Fragbite Masters staff will also nominate plays they feel are worthy a spot, but who didn't become Com Hem's Play of the Day. After the grand final of each Fragbite Masters tournament, the viewers will get to vote for their favourite sequence of the tournament.

So keep watching the streams, you might just experience a play worth 25 000 SEK!

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