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Fragbite Masters will be back


Fragbite Masters returns for 2014!

Today, Fragbite are incredibly happy to announce the second season of our online tournament — Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem 2014.
This March, Fragbite will once again deliver a high class online tournament. Of course, we're talking about a second season of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem with a total prize pool of at least 500 000 SEK, approximately 56 600 euro, divided into three games!

The ones who make it all possible

Last year we had three major sponsors: Com Hem, McDonald's and PokerStars. Today, we are delighted to announce that these three very well-known names are eager to sponsor the second season as well together with our two new friendly sponsors Estrella and Mikz. Estrella is one of the leading snack food companies in Sweden and Mikz is a new fast-growing company with an app that allows the users to make their own "mikz" of applications. Together with these five heroic companies, Fragbite are looking to make the best online tournament the internet has ever witnessed — possibly even better!

This is the Spring Season of 2014

As mentioned above, this year's spring season will consist of the same amount of titles as the previous edition. Just like last year, each title will have one month dedicated to it, making the whole project three months long. The only difference is that the grand final of each title will be played in the same month as the rest of the tournament, as opposed to last year where we ended the season with a finals week for all three games combined.

Anyone can compete against the best

For every tournament, qualifiers will be held so that anyone has the opportunity to compete against the very best in their genre. These qualifiers will be held prior to every respective main tournament to finalize the list of participants. Every qualifier will grant one spot in the main tournament, meaning you and your friends are only one successful qualifier shy of competing against world class opponents.

First off: CS:GO — Let's shoot some headshots!

The first tournament in this whole event will be for the rapidly growing FPS-title Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Just like last year, the prize pool for the CS:GO tournament will contain 140 000 SEK (approximately 16,000 euro). For this sum, twelve teams will be invited to compete against each other and the winners of four qualifiers. As previously mentioned, each qualifier will grant one spot for the main tournament. The first of four qualifiers, open for everyone, will be played on Saturday the 1st of March. The teams that are directly invited to the main tournament will be announced in due time.

How do I follow Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem?

For this season, we are aiming to improve our coverage of the tournament as much as possible. Our new Fragbite Masters-site is improved when it comes to layout and accessibility, but the biggest upgrade comes in your phone. With Mikz as a new sponsor, we've gotten the incredible opportunity to launch a smart phone application completely dedicated to Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem. In this application, which can be found through Mikz (free of charge), you'll get quick updates with all the news posts, highlights and exclusive editorial pieces throughout the season. A must-have for the Fragbite Masters follower!

Also, you can still follow Fragbite Masters both on Facebook and Twitter to get the latest news directly in your social media feed!

That being said, let's get the show on the road. More information about all respective tournaments, and more, will be published in the upcoming days. We sincerely hope that you will have as much fun following this event as we will have catering it!

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