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League of Legends

Riot släpper ny champion — här är Ivern

Riot har nu avslöjat nästa champion att ta sig ut på Summoners Rift.
Det har blivit dags för ytterligare ett championsläpp! Den här gången är det Ivern, the green father, som tar över Summoners Rift. Enligt Riot är han tänkt att spelas som en mer supportive junglare med ett helt unikt kit som gör att han till exempel inte behöver slå på jungle-camps. Han kan dessutom skapa buskar att gömma sig i med en av sina spells. Här nedan är alla hans abilites.

Passive: Friend of the Forest
Ivern loves jungle monsters and would never harm them. Instead, he sets them free! Clicking on any jungle camp creates a grove using some of Ivern's health and mana. The grove matures over time; when fully grown it can be clicked on again to free the camp's denizens, granting Ivern gold and XP. Smiting a camp with a grove on it instantly sends the monsters to safety.

After level five, the Green Father creates copies of the red and blue buff whenever he frees the Red Brambleback or Blue Sentinel—they'll leave behind a sapling which can be picked up by all.

Q: Rootcaller
Ivern shoots out a ropey root that deals magic damage and (as you'd expect) roots the first enemy it hits. Allies who use a basic attack on the rooted target will automatically dash to get within attack range.

W: Brushmaker
Passive: When hiding in brush, Ivern's basic attacks have increased magic damage and range. This effect lasts for a couple seconds after Ivern leaves the brush.

Active: Ivern creates a patch of brush, temporarily revealing the area around it. The amount of brush created is slightly greater if it's placed near a wall or any other brush. The Green Father's grassy patches disappear on their own after a moderate delay.

E: Triggerseed
Ivern places a protective seed onto his ally, granting them a shield. After a short delay the seed explodes, damaging and slowing all nearby enemies.

R: Daisy!
Ivern summons Daisy, an enormous sentinel who loves hugs. Daisy scampers around joyfully, knocking up Ivern's target after a few hits. Ivern can recast this ability to direct his boisterous friend toward new targets. She'll hang around until her hankering for hugs has been satisfied, or until her health bar is depleted..

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