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Intervju med Freeze: "I can compete with everyone in Europe"

AD Carryn från Copenhagen Wolves talade med oss på Fragbite lite kvickt om sina tankar kring att återkomma till LCS efter en lång period ifrån ligan.

Your journey back into LCS has been very eventful to say the least, after spending close to a year outside of the LCS, you have finally managed to make it back in by joining Copenhagen Wolves. How does it feel to be able to compete on the biggest stage once again?

It feels amazing. I can finally practice on daily basic among the best players in Europe. Which means I can learn and get even more experience then I already have.

Freeze i NiP:s LoL-lag. Bildkälla ESL.

Obviously during your time outside the LCS you were part of NiP still, and unfortunately failed to qualify on multiple occasions. Did you ever feel like quitting to play due to all the misfortunes that seemed to affect your stay in NiP?

I don't think I have ever been thinking of quitting. I was definitely upset about my situation but I always wanted to play and so I followed even though it was hard

The level of LCS competition has definitely increased since you were last part of it, how do you look at the challenge of regaining the shape of an LCS-level professional, and do you think you’ll be able to compete with the best as soon as the competition starts?

I think I can compete with everyone in LCS but beating them is on the other hand different. First I have to figure out their weaknesses and then capitalize on them in order to be among the best.

In regards to european AD carries, how do you see yourself placing in comparison to players like Rekkles?

Hard to tell. We haven't played each other much if at all. So I can only wait how it will end up facing each other.

Likewise, how do you look at the new strain of AD carries like Nisbeth and Steelback? Have you had experience playing with them previously in the Challenger circuit, and how good do you think they can become?

No I havent played them previously in Challenger circuit. They both can improve and became great AD carries. It s up to them if they try their best to do so. Maybe Steelback is in easier position with the guidance from YellOwStaR.

Finally, what are your own expectations going into the split? How well do you think you will fare against the rest of the opposition, and who will be your biggest competition?

My biggest competition will be FORG1VEN. He is one of the few that gave me hard time in the game. The rest could potentially be easier to face. I think I can do well as long as I keep my head in the game and focus on improving.

Bildkälla: ESL

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