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Written version of the interview with Semmler.

Postat av TheSwedishJoker den 3 December 2016, 21:57
11 kommentarer · 912 träffar
Hej! Har gjort en intervju med Semmler, kommer länka videon här för er som vill se själva videon men här kommer den skriftliga versionen av intervjun för er som hellre vill läsa den.
Hey! I've done a interview with Semmler, will link the video here for those who'd rather see the video but here's the written version of he interview for those of you who'd rather read it.


Hello, guys. It’s me, TheSwedishJoker here and today I’m here with Semmler; How are you, man?
- Not bad man. Doing alright.

You just casted the Cloud9-Optic game, how did you think that game was?
- Well, I think that Cloud9 showed up to play today and Optic ,whether things went their way or not, they just looked destroyed for some reason so definitely a little bit of a shaky game from them. It makes me wonder if there’s anything going on in the background there.

So obviously you have this tournament now, then you have the Eleague playoffs and before that you had the ESL pro league in Brazil and you also had another tournament. Do you think that they should cut down the amount of tournaments and also online leagues so that you don’t risk oversaturation for the players but also for casters and talent?
- No, the players are the ones who decide on that one.What we could see at the beginning of the year, this was the discussion being had with players. To participate in all leagues or would they focus on one league, maybe two and leave the third one out. That didn’t happen, the players decided that they wanted to play in all of the leagues, right? So yeah, they’re just stuck with having to play all these online matches. Dignitas for example, this weekend, had to play here on lan. They had to play some ECS matches and so I think the players, It’s just going to take some time, but they’re eventually going to work it out, where they will focus on one or two leagues and then they’ll leave one league out. This is going to help though, because it means that we’ll have less of them match-ups we see every time. Perhaps we’ll only see two teams clash every now and again at lan because they aren’t in the same league. I think it could make things a lot more interesting, but it’s going to come down to the players, I think in the end because it’s not going to be the tournament organizers who are going to slow down. Their whole business model’s built on turning out content. So, it has to come down to the players to make the play.

Then there was also the Nothern Arena thing where there was a caster that said “yo les noobs” when Smithhz whiffed a couple of shots with the scar. Do you think that casters should do that, just go at players like that. Maybe not that much, but do you think that there should a level of where you can go at players?
- Sure, I mean. I think that players always deserve respect, because I spend a lot of time talking to the players so I have an idea of how much work and sacrifice goes in to it and so, we do have to have a certain level of respect. Sometimes something happens you just have to have a laugh about it and you’re going to make a joke. And so, that happens every now and again, right? But you can’t make that a habit, you can’t constantly rely on that as you’re casting, right? That you’re just going to bash players left and right because that’ just not going to fly. You need to show at least a minimum level of respect to the players even if they’re playing poorly. It happens every now and again that a player has a off game and well, you know, you have an off-game just like I have an off-cast sometimes, just like anything else. I think that commentators do have to remember to keep perspective on things and just not go for the cheap and easy laugh every time, because it is too easy. You have to actually try and look and see why certain things are happening. So, there has to be some level of restraint there rather for the commentators, but I joke every now and again. There shouldn’t be any harm in that either.

Yeah, but the joke that the caster did was based on something that Smithhz has said, or maybe said in affect rather. So do you think that when the casters are making a joke they should think about “okay, maybe a player has said that but what was the situation like when he said that?”
- I think it’s all situational really. It’s just situational off the fly, you make pause every now and again to think “Should I say that?”, right? And sometimes you just throw it to the wind and do it anyways, right? So, I mean, yeah. You kinda just gotta be aware at all times of what you’re saying as a commentator, that kinda just comes with the gig so you know what joke you’re gonna make or not. And, yeah it’s a case by case based sort of thing, I think. Just don’t make it a habit, I think that’s the main thing. Just don’t make it a habit to bash players, this is an easy trap to fall into. You have to remember that you have the eye in the sky, the players don’t. You have more information than the players do so you know, it’s easy to in that sort of scenario to sound like you know everything, right? So don’t fall into that trap if you’re an aspiring commentator.

And also, you have this new pause rule that came along with the new coach rule and I’ve heard, I think it was Matt, or Sadokist, who actually criticized it because it can destroy the flow of, not only, the game but also for the cast. So do you think that they should remove the pause rule and go back to the old one?
- No, I don’t think that 30 seconds isn’t that long of a break. It turns out that it’s 45 seconds basically because then you have the buy time as well, but I mean. I don’t think that it totally destroys it. I think it was perhaps a misinterpretation as for how many pauses you can have and that some teams were actively trolling with it as well. So, I mean if that’s going to happen then I think it comes down to an admin decision as to where, you know, if it’s clear that the team’s trolling then maybe something needs to happen. As far as there just being 4 30 second timeouts across the entire map, they maybe use 2 or 3 timeouts in a half, well then they only have one timeout left, right? So you get a 2 minute break, which is a massive 2 minute break, right? Which can feel like a long time or you just get 30 seconds additional here, 30 seconds additional there. I don’t think it has that big of an impact personally.

Do you have any last words, maybe to the audience or maybe any last words overall?
- Thanks to everybody who’s tuning in to Dreamhack Winter. It’s always a good time here at Dreamhack. If you have the chance, definitely come out. It’s worth it. I’ll see you guys next week at Eleague.
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