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DotA 2

The International 5 närmar sig 8,5 miljoner dollar

Drygt 8,5 miljoner dollar - så mycket har prispotten för The International 5 landat på och nya strechgoals har uppnåtts.
Prispotten till The International 5 är på god väg att återigen slå nya rekord inom e-Sport. I skrivandets stund är summan uppe i 8 446 000 dollar, motsvarande 69 450 000 svenska kronor med dagens valutakurs. I och med den stora prispotten har Compendiumägarna blivit tilldelade bland annat TI5-muspekare, immortal treasure I, Loading screens, HUD-skin och mycket mer.

Bland de högre stretch-målen väntar Wyvern Hatchling Courier, ny terräng, Music pack och ett nytt Immortal item till Axe.

TI5 compendium stretch goals

$2,000,000 - A unique TI5 cursor pack
$2,500,000 - Compendium holders will be able to vote for who they want to see in TI5 All-Star Match
$3,000,000 - The first immortal treasure will be unlocked
$3,500,000 - Compendium holders will be able to vote for the next hero to receive and Arcana
$4,000,000 - Compendium holders will be given an Effigy Block of the International, with a chance of also receiving a rare Golden Effigy Block of The International.
$4,500,000 - Unique loading screens
$5,000,000 - New chat emoticons
$5,500,000 - A new compendium-themed HUD
$6,000,000 - New taunts for several heroes
$6,500,000 - The Watcher Below Ward will be made available
$7,000,000 - The second immortal treasure will be unlocked
$8,000,000 - A Dota 2 Short Film Contest will be held and nominees of the best film will be selected through Steam Community. Winning films will each receive $20,000 each and will be showcased at TI5.
$9,000,000 - The Wyvern Hatchling Courier will perch in the inventories of Compendium holders.
$10,000,000 - The third immortal treasure will be unlocked.
$11,000,000 - The desert terrain will be made available, changing the battlefields of Dota 2
$12,000,000 - An exclusive music pack
$13,000,000 - Bristleback has promised to release his own Announcer and Mega-Kill items.
$14,000,000 - Dota 2 battlefields will have even more weather effects
$15,000,000 - Axe has been promised to be the star in his own comic and a new Immortal item will be released commemorating it.
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