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Counter-Strike: GO

TV-duon lämnar NiP — startar RoomOnFire

Den välkända CS:GO-kommentatorduon lämnar NiP Gaming och startar RoomOnFire.
Efter mer än ett år under NiP Gamings fana har Anders Blume, med sin radarpartner Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat, lämnat NiP Gaming och således bytt namn från NiPtv. Det nya projektet går under namnet RoomOnFire och har samma gamla kanal, fast ett nytt namn.


"Today marks the day that we bring to life RoomOnFire as our new casting platform, and we are proud to welcome all of you to join us in this next chapter of an already exciting adventure!

In the future when you tune in, it will be on www.twitch.tv/RoomOnFire and we are happy to be able to make this transition with NiP's help and blessings. I want to thank Emil, Niklas, Richard, Patrik, Robin, Adam and Christopher for their friendship and help throughout my first and very strange year in E-sports.

Semmler and I have been working hard for a long while on building a channel central to Counter-Strike that has frequent content on it, so that there are as few down periods as possible. And with this most recent change, we will be able to pursue this goal even further. The support we have got from the community and from NiP is a very big motivation to continue to fight for the idea that Counter-Strike could become one of the most successful E-sports titles again.

As a viewer this change is initially mostly cosmetic, it will still be Anders and Semmler and Vendetta doing work and covering as much as humanly possible, but in the upcoming days and months, we hope to show you what we can do with your support.

On behalf of both Semmler and Anders, we would like to thank all of you for your continued support, now lets build together."

Redan ikväll kommer duon att hålla sin debut med det nya namnet, detta för kvällens många SLTV StarSerie X-matcher. Vill man snurra in för sändningen, som förväntas dra igång närmare 19:00, är det Twitch.tv/RoomOnFire som gäller.

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